There is a golden sauce so delicious, it is worth the price of gold!
It was just yesterday that I mentioned the amazingly delectable Hollandaise Sauce as a favorite of mine on poached eggs. The best part – it is easier than you can ever imagine!
One of the things we have to be mindful of while living in a state of nutritional ketosis is our intake of protein. We all know that carbs will take us down, but did you know that protein can as well?
When there is a significant intake of protein, the body converts the protein into sugars during a process called Gluconeogenesis. This is a metabolic process that makes glucose, a simple sugar, that provides the body with energy from non-carbohydrate sources when you are a carb burner.
This is why it is super important to make sure you are getting ample healthy fats when you are consuming meats and vegetables in order to stay a fat burning machine. We don’t want those proteins turning into carbs in our body so make sure you have the fat to counteract the carbs and proteins.
And…this is why I love Hollandaise! You can put it on your veggies, your meat, your eggs – pretty much anything your heart desires! My favorites are eggs, spinach and asparagus. It is wonderful tasting, and as long as you are using our favorite grass-fed butter, it is a great source of fat! You can also ask for it at many restaurants that will gladly bring you a side of this delicious sauce.
Blender Hollandaise
Place in your blender:
2 Egg Yolks
1 TBSP Lemon Juice
Salt and Cayenne to taste
Turn your blender on low for 5 seconds.
Melt 1/2 cup butter (Kerrygold) in a pyrex glass measuring dish.
In a very low stream on the lowest speed, gently pour your butter into your egg yolk mixture.
As soon as it is combined – you have hollandaise.
I have never had it curdle, but if it does, add two egg yolks on high speed with whipping cream one TBSP at a time.