Let’s do this!

Hi All!!

It feels really good to be typing again and wanting to be back in a routine! I know that the blog updates and posts have been lacking and its time to get back into the swing of things.

We all have to get back in the proverbial saddle on occasion. 😉

Image result for back in the saddle

On that note.. I feel as though I should explain a little about the reason for the radio silence.

Unfortunately, in April I found out that I was no longer in remission.

This was the biggest sucker punch I have ever felt. Not only was cancer back that but it was back in my brain. BIG TIME. Really, this was the only place it could go (I’ll talk about that in a later post.) The diagnosis was straight out of a horrible Hallmark Movie. The Radiation Oncologist told us with a stone face less than 6 months of life, and within the month I would likely be unable to fully function-as in coordination, communication, the whole gamut. He gave us zero hope.


Here was my diagnosis: Leptomeningeal Metastases

This is not common. Here is a science-y description from http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/1156338-overview

  • Leptomeningeal carcinomatosis (LC) is a rare complication of cancer in which the disease spreads to the membranes (meninges) surrounding the brain and spinal cord. LC occurs in approximately 5% of people with cancer and is usually terminal.


Guess who’s passed 6 months?? ME.

And I, along with the fam, friends, God, an amazing team of doctors, am driving this horrible disease into remission.


First we cried. A LOT.


We took control.

Guess what? Doctors can be wrong and just because one guy in a white coat said I had a snowball’s chance in Hell, didn’t mean it was time to give up. We then dove into research mode and decided to go to the most amazing place on earth (not Disney):


The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center


So, here I am, six months later and still able to function fully and take care of my little family and myself. I’m also debating on sending that doctor a little note letting him know he was incorrect and I’m still kicking.

I just want him to know that there are options and he should not tell people to give up.

Yes, somedays are harder than others but my treatment is working and it’s worth it! I have now gone thru 2 brain surgeries, multiple rounds of radiation, IV and oral chemo, mastectomy, reconstruction, and various other not so fun cancer related activities.

That’s the thing, all of us have trials and tribulations. We have to realize that everyday we make choices;  diet, exercise, getting out of bed, how we treat our neighbor, and especially how we treat ourselves. And most days-even if we fail, we have to pick our selves up and try again.

That is why today I chose to type again-to put myself out here again. To advocate for this way of life and know that I am making choices to better myself and those around me by telling my story. There is no way that I could have made it this far without making choices to put myself out there, lean on those offering support, and find for what works for me.


And yes, I still believe I have been truly blessed.




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